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De loopbaan specialist

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Home Family Constellation workshops

In our workshops you can bring in a question or just get acquainted and participate as a representative. With the questions that are brought in we travel together on a journey, using our observation, dialogue and of course constellations. We invite the deep healing of life and sometimes confrontational life force to bring us further. Hereby we ensure that you dot not get more than you can handle.

Overall a fun way to get acquainted with us, to get started with your own themes or just to come and experience what family constellations are about.


Because of Covid postponed

Your contribution

Evening Workshops in which you bring in a question: € 70. Representant: € 20.

Day Workshops in which you bring in a question: € 90. Representant: € 35.


The open workshops are provided by Martijn Haan regularly at his office in Heiloo, at the Willibrordus Business Centre (WBC), Kennemerstraatweg 464. Close by the train station, with parking. Easily accessible by train from across the country. Both from Amsterdam, but also from The Hague. Take, for example, the IC from Nijmegen, Utrecht and Amsterdam to Den Helder, from Amsterdam CS it is still over half an hour. Get out, pass the railway and walk honderd meters, go right, and there is the WBC.

If you’d like to do a workshop closer to your home contact me through the contactform. Also, there is always the possibility to invite us to give a workshop in your area. For reservations use the Contact Form.